Pasadena Tire Rotation and Balance
Regular tire rotation and balance is often an overlooked service that is crucial to long lasting tires. The health of your tires affects your vehicle’s safety and handling ability. When driving with tires that are severely worn down, you risk not being able to control your vehicle accurately. In order to prevent uneven or excessive tire wear and to prolong the life of your tires, a tire rotation and balance is recommended for all makes and models of Audi and Volkswagen every 3,000-5,000 miles.
At European Auto Hause, we are able to assist when your Audi or Volkswagen is due for its regular tire rotation and balance. We recommend pairing this service with your regular oil change or inspection to get all of your vehicle’s needs done at once. Our mechanics are factory master guild experts who specialize in both Audi and Volkswagen and will ensure that you stay current with your vehicle’s manufacturer recommended maintenance.
A tire rotation consists of rotating your tires in terms of their position. When a tire is in a certain spot, such as in the front, they will tend to wear out more heavily on the inside. When you rotate the tire, you allow wear to happen to the other side of the tire, allowing the wear to be more even overall. Also, the front tires tend to wear down faster than the back tires in front wheel drive vehicles, which is why rotating them is important to avoid having to replace tires prematurely.
Tire balancing is also important, because it ensures that the weight of your vehicle is distributed evenly throughout the tires. If your tires aren’t balanced and one side of your vehicle is carrying more weight, those tires will surely wear down faster than the others. Both tire rotation and tire balancing is an effort to save you money on tires over the years and to ensure that all tires wear down evenly.
If you need a tire rotation or balance in Pasadena, CA, give us a call here at European Auto Hause or make an appointment online for your next service today!