I'll try to not make this too long, but I have to express how much I appreciate the quality, attention to detail and customer service this shop provides. After a rather bad experience at another shop much closer to home a few years back, I came back to this shop after moving away from Pasadena. I had a long standing issue that probably would've been fixed much sooner had I taken the time to have it addressed. This time around it was totally taken care of! My car needed a major service. After further inspection it was also deemed that I needed front brakes, a new fuel pump, ignition coils, timing belt, etc etc. It was a long list for my trusty car, but I wanted it back in tip top shape. Well, Sean went above and beyond and even found a very serious issue, which was the fault of the shop I went to prior to coming back to European Auto Hause. This issue, left the way it was could've put my family in danger; it was only a matter of time. He took care of it for me. I'm just dumbfounded as to how someone could've done so much damage and not cared enough to fix it when it could've caused a serious accident! European Auto Hause will always be where I take my car as long as I own an Audi, and so will my husband! Thank you so much for your wonderful service!